Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nokia N95 8GB Cell Phones

The advertisements claim that "It's what computers have become." Looking at the kinds of functions that the Nokia N95 8GB has to offer, can you argue otherwise. The crying need of the mobile phone users of the world today is for a phone that will be not just a phone, but also a computer, a music player, and a camera all within the same metallic body. It is to meet this need that the team at Nokia has come up with the Nokia N95 8GB.

You may wonder what sets this device apart from the rest. One of the most obvious assets of the N95 8GB is the 8 GB of storage that it has on offer. Thanks to the increased storage, you need no longer stress over whether or not you are going to be able to store all that you need into that small mobile device. The 8 GB memory is a godsend especially given that the Nokia N95 8GB has a music player and a camera. We all know how much space is taken up by music and picture files. The Nokia N95 battles this problem.

Navigation through this high end cell phone is easy and you cannot help marveling at the great features. The N95 8GB cell phone camera has no less than a 5 megapixel resolution. The 3G capabilities of the Nokia N95 8GB Phone give it an additional edge through the Nokia Maps feature which allows you to find your way no matter where you are. If you are looking for cutting edge cell phones technology, this is where it's at.

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